Blog Category 1

Victory over fear

Victory over fear

This is Message is for you, Thou shall not fear. Fear is an unpleasant emotion or thought. It is the feeling you get when you are afraid or worried that something bad is going to happen. While mockery to ridicule or making a fool out of someone. Finding time to pray...

Shake me to shape me

Shake me to shape me

Haggai 2:6,7   In Haggai’s day God shook up the Heavens and the earth to awaken the people to their wrong priorities and to refocus them on the building of God’s House. God is shaking up the world today so that we reprioritize our lives God’s way so as to get us...

JET Ministry visits Redbridge Food Bank

JET Ministry visits Redbridge Food Bank

We at Jehovah Evangelical Team Ministry (J.E.T.) support a nationwide network of food banks and together we provide food and support to people locked in poverty, and also campaign for change to end the need for food banks in the UK. Jehovah Evangelical Team Ministry...

Divine focus of thy work leads to victory

Divine focus of thy work leads to victory

Divine focus of thy work leads to victory (2 King 2:5-15) What is Divine Focus? This is generally something akin to a holy symbol. In adjective it is Godly, Angelic, Saintly, very pleasing and good looking. In Noun, a Cleric, or Theologian, Christology i.e someone who...

Journey back to Garden of Eden

Journey back to Garden of Eden

The story of Garden of Eden is a theological use of mythological themes to explain human progression from a state of innocence and bliss to the present human condition of knowledge of sin, misery and death.The Garden of Eden is the biblical “GARDEN OF GOD” described...

Our relentless search for identity

Our relentless search for identity

What comes to mind when you think about yourself is one of the most important things about you. In particular, what comes to your mind when you think about who you are in Christ is of greater importance. As a leader in the church, I’ve found that most problems are...


Become a Volunteer

Perfection, hard work, loyalty & persistence.