Divine focus of thy work leads to victory (2 King 2:5-15)
What is Divine Focus? This is generally something akin to a holy symbol. In adjective it is Godly, Angelic, Saintly, very pleasing and good looking. In Noun, a Cleric, or Theologian, Christology i.e someone who study Christ.
What is Focus? The centre of interest in an activities or paying particular attention to something of interest.
What is Work? This is a physical effort done in order to achieve a result.
MATHEMATICALLY: Divine Focus + Work = Victory
BIBLICAL MATHEMATICS: Hebrew 12: 1-3 +Philip 2:12 = Victory
We have to take our Lord Jesus Christ as a role model just like Elisha took Elijah as a role model. There are Job description we often given when applying for a job in a Company, so as a Christian we have job descriptions before we can be Victorious in life. These are some Job Descriptions to make you have victory in life such as,
- Obedient: The need to Obey, Just as our Lord Jesus Christ was obedient (Philippians 2:8), Elisha obeyed in book of 1 King 2: 9-10. Therefore, as a Christians or Follower of Christ you have to be obedient to his words.
- The need to Work: This phase disturbs many of our denominational friends in our community today, those who think salvation is not of work (Luke 19: 4-5). The new testament says a GREAT DEAL about Christians needing to work 1 Corinthians 15: 58.
For you to attain victory in Christ with your Divine focus of thy work, there are qualifications necessary and requested by our lord Jesus Christ, it is called job requirement which Christ want from us. There are 5 Jobs requirement listed here for Christians to attain Victory.
- Work Reverently: This is by working in a deeply respectful way (Philippians 2:12). Fear comes from phobia which is respectful behaviour, you must work for God with serious certain desiring never to offend God.
- Work Confidently: You may be saying working for God sounds hard or not sure you can do it, but remember you are not alone (Philippians 2:13). Do God energise miraculously? The answer is No because God energises through, reading the Scriptures regularly, timely sermon and encouragement of friends.
- Work Willingly: Many today want to argue with God about unfairness of life or what requires of them. Keyword is do all things without complaining or arguing. (Philippians 2:14)
- Work Inoffensively? Our character can sometimes destroy the efforts we put forth for Christ, Paul says we need to be harmless and blameless but live a life at which no finger of criticism may be pointed at us. In brother Paul statement, we derive that Blameless+Harmless= Light in the World (Matt. 15:19, Mark 7:21)
- Work Steadfastly: We must hold securely the light so that others can see and follow it. King David said God’s word is a lamp to our feet (psalm 119:105)
In conclusion, our divine focus towards our work for Christ without distraction from friends, families and earthly activities will leads us to victory in all areas of our lives.